Week of April 7 - 11


1. Comenzaremos a leer el libro: "El Pirata Garrapata en África" de la Editorial Barco de Vapor. 
Los alumnos leerán en clase para luego trabajar el libro por capítulos con la técnica de Círculos Literarios.

2. Continuaremos con el tema de sinónimos y antónimos, comenzado la semana pasada. 

3. El uso de la "g". Reglas ortográficas.  


1. Los alumnos comenzarán a prepararse para presentar un Museo de Escritores Latinoamericanos. 

Investigarán la biografía de los más prominentes de Latino América para representarlos en el museo durante la semana del Idioma Español. (23 -25 Abril) 

2.Cómo elaborar un informe. Sus características y partes más importantes. 


Month-Long Activities:
-          Recycling Drive- Teachers should highly promote paper, glass, aluminum, and plastic recycling. Students should bring materials from home, as well.  The class with the greatest amount of pounds/student will win a prize at the end of the month.  Environmental Science students will collect the materials from the homeroom classrooms twice a week.
-          Increasing our green space- Families will be encouraged to send money to cover the cost of a plant (tree, bush, or flower). Order forms will be sent out next week.  The plants will be planted on campus on Friday, April 25th
-          Green Day- Each Friday wear green to celebrate and help us remember to take “green actions.”
DISCOVERY IDOL - The time is here! Auditions will be held on Wednesday, April 23 in the music room. The secondary will audition during lunch at 11:45 a.m. The elementary will audition during recess at 12:45 p.m. Please come ready to sing or dance your heart out for the judges. The winners will be announced on Thursday, April 24 and the performance will take place on Thursday, May 1, at 10:15 a.m.
DPTO NEWS – The DPTO wishes to share the following dates for the activities that will take place before the end of the school year. Please mark your calendars, and support our DPTO by attending these events! More information will be provided as we get closer to the dates.
Ø  April 27 - Movie at the Cinema! (Rio 2)     
Ø  May 10 - Carnival and Fun Run
Ø  May 17 - Garage Sale
MARKETING DISCOVERY SCHOOL:  The Marketing Committee has been very active in developing ways to market the school. We are printing brochures and colorful signs that will let the public know more about us. If you have a business or organization that would like to display either a sign or brochures, please contact Karla Soto, Marketing Coordinator, at dsmarketing@discoveryschool.edu.hn and we will provide those to you.

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